How aids is caused :what is AIDS? Know the symptoms of HIV, AIDS and ways to avoid it in Hindi.
List of topics
- what is AIDS
- AIDS full form
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- AIDS Ke Lakshan Kya Hai
- AIDS Se Kaise Bache
- What is HIV
- HIV full form
- Human immunodeficiency virus
- HIV Ke Lakshan
- HIV Se Kaise Bache
- How aids is caused
Hello friends welcome to hindi help In today's post, we are going to tell you AIDS Kaise Hota Hai, if you too have AIDS and want to avoid it, then you have come to the right place. Along with this you will also know that AIDS Ke Lakshan Kya Hai
HIV Kya Hota Hai will also know you today through this post.
We will explain it to you in very simple language. Hope you like all our posts. Similarly, you kept liking every post in our blog.
A human body is one that has to fight many types of diseases. Some diseases are such that a person also dies. One of these diseases is AIDS which is a very serious disease. When an HIV infection occurs, the person feels normal in its early stages.
You may find out if you have AIDS. It is a flu-like illness after HIV infection. This flu lasts only a few days and is very mild. Therefore it is difficult to identify. HIV infection reaches AIDS in 8 to 10 years. Therefore, it is important to know its initial symptoms.
So let's know AIDS Kya Hota Hai if you also want to stay away from this disease then this post What Is AIDS In Hindi? If you read it from beginning to end, you will get complete information about it and you will be able to avoid this disease.
what is AIDS
It is a type of serious disease that enters the body through a virus called HIV virus. HIV virus reduces the immunity of humans. This is known as a fatal disease. If someone gets this disease, then his death is certain. The HIV virus attacks lymphocytes, a resistant substance present in the blood.
It is a type of infectious disease caused by a virus infection called HIV virus. After arriving in the body, the virus enters the blood and enters the DNA by joining white blood cells where it divides and attacks white blood particles, after which it reduces the number of white particles. With deficiency, the body destroys immunity to fight diseases.
AIDS full form
Full form of AIDS:
AIDS Ke Lakshan Kya Hai
When AIDS disease starts, some of its initial symptoms are seen. Which is explained below to you.
Fever is also a symptom of AIDS. If you have frequent fever then you should be cautious.
Muscle pain is also a symptom of AIDS. If you have not done heavy work or much physical exertion, your muscles still ache, then you should see a doctor immediately.
You should be alert even if you have a sore throat. A sore throat is also a reason for this.
AIDS can also occur when a needle has been used on an infected person and the same needle has been used on an uninfected person.
Constant fatigue can also cause AIDS. When the body's immune power is low, it needs rest.
If AIDS has occurred, there are inflammatory glands on the body. These are painless glands that occur in the armpits, throat, thighs etc.
Weight loss gradually occurs in AIDS Ke Lakshan. AIDS does not reduce weight suddenly, but it does reduce weight gradually.
Throat mostly cooks only when there is a lack of water in the body but even after drinking sufficient amount of water, the throat is getting puffy and looks like a sore throat, then it is a possible symptom of AIDS.
AIDS Se Kaise Bache
There are many ways to prevent AIDS. You can take the following precautions to prevent AIDS. Let's know AIDS Se Bachne Ke Upay.
Needles that have been used should not be used on unirrigated individuals.
If you need blood, do not take blood of an unknown person, take HIV test blood which is safe.
Take care not to have sex with the victim.
You should not eat false food of the victim. If seen this way, no one should eat a liar. Because we do not know which disease a person has.
To avoid this, do not form an unprotected relationship with any unknown person.
If you go to a hairdresser or go for shaving, ask for a new blade.
Keeping these things in mind can help you avoid AIDS and it is also very important to be careful. So that you can stay away from AIDS.
What is HIV
HIV is a type of virus. Because of which AIDS occurs. The HIV virus spreads from one person to another. The person carrying this virus is called HIV positive. Most people consider HIV positive but it is false.
Once the HIV virus enters the body, the body's immunity begins to decrease. Due to which many diseases and infections spread on the body, viruses start attacking. After 8 to 10 years of becoming HIV positive, many types of disease symptoms are known as AIDS.
Full form of HIV:
Human immunodeficiency virus
HIV Ke Lakshan
Flu-like symptoms are seen in people who are infected with HIV. When you have H.I.V.
The person who is infected with HIV has rash on his body. It may or may not itch.
Fever, cold and sweating are also a symptom.
Menstruation of women becomes irregular when they are HIV.
Headache is also a symptom of HIV.
Having HIV virus reduces appetite and if weight is slowly decreasing, then it is a symptom of HIV.
HIV Se Kaise Bache
Some things should be kept in mind to avoid HIV. HIV Se Bachne Ke Tarike has been revealed.
You and your partner should check in periodically as this can help both to stay safe.
Have sex with the same partner.
Whenever you need to give blood, see that new sterilized needles are used.
In today's post, you know HIV Kya Hota Hai, apart from this, you also know that HIV Kaise Hota Hai hopes that the information given by us will be useful for you.
HIV AIDS Se Kaise Bache For this information, you should take help of this post of ours. How aids is caused Hindi Mai You may well know from this post. Tell us how you liked this information.
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